Last events
Stadium tour
You will explore areas such as Press conference room, Skybox, First team bench and much more. Our experienced guides will tell you many interesting facts and details about the construction of our arena, its operations and the history of the old Peshchanka stadium, which is the iconic place for Red-Blue fans.
The estimated duration of the tour is 60 min. The meeting point is inside the PFC CSKA official shop and all tours start according to the timetable (3-ya Peschanaya street, 2A).
In addition to standard excursions we also offer other tours:
Historical tour — Standard tour, but with a greater focus on the most relevant historical aspects of the excursion’s topic. These tours are 5-10 minutes longer than the usual ones with no difference in price.
Star tour — At these excursions our guides are accompanied by PFC CSKA stars or famous supporters of our team. You will not only explore the VEB Arena, but you will also have a chance to ask the guest star any questions, take a photo with him and get an autograph. We already had such tours with Astemir Gordyushenko, who scored the first unofficial goal at the stadium, and the legendary Elvir Rahimic. The price for these tours is standard.
Tower Tour — As part of this tour, the standard route is supplemented by a unique opportunity to visit the highest tower of our stadium, which reminds us of our most important victory so far — winning the UEFA Cup. From the highest point of the tower, which is 142 meters, you can enjoy the beautiful views of our beloved city and see what our stadium looks like from the above. However, please note that this tour has minimum age limits (children up to 6 years old are not allowed, ranging in age from 6 to 16 years — must be accompanied by adults). Also, you must fill in a document certifying acquaintance with the rules of conduct before entering the tour. You must have a valid ticket and a passport to join this tour.
Matchday tour — Just hours before the teams take to the pitch you will be able to experience an unforgettable behind-the-scenes stadium tour while all matchday preparations are underway. You can take a seat on our bench just a few hours before our players will occupy them, take a photo at the pitch and much more. The Matchday tour starts four hours before kick-off and is available for 500 rubles.
Tickets can be purchased from the ticket office or online (only in Russian):
Schedule for the coming month:
2 April — 13:00
On the day of the tour show your ticket and get a 10% discount at the official club.
Parking is available for tour’s visitors and is free of charge.